Saturday, April 5, 2014


It’s amazing how drastically your life can change in such a short amount of time. One year. 365 days. That pass like the blink of an eye.

Today marks the one year anniversary of my move to Nashville. One year as a Nashvillain. (Yes, I know it’s Nashvillian, but come on. Villain is so much cooler.) One year since the day my mom and I climbed into my little Toyota filled with just about everything I owned, and I watched my future unfold down the road ahead.

If you know me at all, you know that I’m a planner. I had a set map in my head of how things were going to play out once I got here. I was so sure of it. I saw it as clearly as day before my eyes. So naturally none of those things has happened. In fact, my life here looks absolutely nothing like I pictured. And the funniest part is that those things I saw so clearly, wanted so badly, are all things I don’t want anymore. But I guess that’s how life works.

One year. One year since my mom stepped on a plane to Houston and left me here on my own. And I have never felt so small. I think that’s how all great adventures start; feeling small. Seeing a great big world stretched before you, full of possibility and danger, and understanding in that moment that you are a speck on a marble swirling through a galaxy of stars. But with that understanding comes a promise: the loving hand of an infinite God holding it all in the palm of his hand. So with confidence, and a whole lot of fear, you step out of your door. Onward and upward.

I’m ashamed to admit how long it took before I stopped waking up every morning having to talk myself out of running back to Houston. It was lonely. And terrifying. But I believe the Lord leads you into the wilderness to prepare you for something great.

One day I woke up without that weight on my shoulders.

And one day I knew that if I went to visit my family in Texas that I would get on a plane and come back here. It took almost eight months before that day. But it came.

And one day I sat on my parents sofa and told them that I loved them but I was excited to go home. And I meant here. Nashville, Tennessee. And in that moment something changed in me. It felt like roots. And it felt like wings.

Because in the past 365 days I have seen more proof that God answers prayers that I ever have before. More proof of His faithfulness. His goodness. His love. As sure as the sun will rise. (I’m listening to “As Sure as the Sun” by Ellie Holcomb as I type this. If the past year of my life had a song, that would be it. Simple. And beautiful.)

In moments of darkness, He brought light. It moments of loneliness and desperation, he brought me the most amazing friends anyone could ever ask for. Community. Family. For moments of doubt, he gave me the Nashville skyline. To Noah, He gave the rainbow- a sign of His promise to never flood the whole earth again. In the hard moments, the dark moments, seeing that skyline is my rainbow- a reminder of His call on my life; a peace that this is exactly where I’m supposed to be.

I know this probably sounds overly-dramatic. I guess that’s who I am as a person. But this is my stone. The Lord has led me out of Egypt. Through the wilderness. Across the Jordan.

My life here looks nothing like I thought it would. And praise the Lord for that. For this adventure. For my own little fellowship. (When I typed that I meant like in the Lord of the Rings- my band of brothers and sisters walking this road with me and supporting me on my adventure. But then I realized that’s also the name of my church, and I smiled. The Lord knows what He’s doing, y’all. And these little things are so perfect. What a personal God we have.) I thank Him for the clarity He’s been giving me in where I really want my life to go. What I really want. Who I really want to be. And I thank Him for the uncertainty of my future, because in that lies possibility. And in that lies faith.

One year. 365 days. Of fear. Of heartache. Of peace. And joy. And friendship. And adventure. It’s been the hardest year of my life-hands down. And the most rewarding. There’s something so beautiful about hitting the reset button on your life and starting completely over from scratch. In giving the Lord a blank page on which to create something beautiful.

I’m sitting outside of the Frothy Monkey typing this and sipping a soy turtle latte. I’m about to go meet a couple friends at Mafiaoza’s for lunch. I’m breathing in the heartbeat of this city, and I love it. The first time I set foot in Nashville it got into my veins. It felt like electricity. It’s been two years since that day. And now? Now it feels like home.

I pray I never lose that electricity. Never lose the sense of magic in the air. That this ground beneath my feet was made for me to walk on. That I was created for these streets. This city. These people. This life.

April 5. It’s a day I pulled out of thin air. I ran out of excuses not to go. So I sat down with my parents in my kitchen and said I’ve got to do this. We pulled out a calendar and basically pointed to a day a few weeks out. I texted my boss that night. “April 5.” And he knew. I packed up my little world into a handful of boxes. April 5 changed my life forever.

So today, 365 days later- this is my line in the sand. The Lord has brought me this far. And the Lord will lead me on. No looking back.

To those of you I left behind to follow the call the Lord placed on my life, thank you. For your love and support. For giving me a kick out the door. For believing in me. To those of you who welcomed me here with open arms, thank you. For allowing me to be part of your little family. I am so grateful.

If I could sum up the past year of my life in one word, that would be it- grateful. For all that's behind me and all that's in front of me. And I can't wait to see where this road leads me next. Onward and upward.